Tuesday, February 8, 2011

about that....

(day sixteen)

I love finding dishes in random places, especially after I’ve just finished washing dishes. Probably a sign that I need a kitchen table, and a reason to eat in the kitchen. Or that I should abandon eating altogether. 

More likely just a sign that I need to pull it together.

I played my guitar for the first time in a long time, today. There is something ethereal about music; it spiderwebs from the soul, clinging to forgotten corners and catching the fleeting, flitting moments of life that will never belong to the world of words. It is odd, too, to notice the things that become permanently stamped upon your memory; the musical things.

I wish I could say that I accomplished more than that. I guess that I read quite a few blogs, a few articles. I washed the dishes and trekked up the ever-present mountain of laundry. I helped a mate with some writing. I decided that I need summer sent to me; I’ll even pay for the overnight shipping. 

-Viens avec moi.

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