Sunday, August 28, 2011

|standing in the downpour|

Never have I felt a thunder more fiercely,
never caressed by fingers more fitting,
than this rain that swims down upon me,
as two million odd minnows might,
as though caught they up in a fright,
and with a tumble-snap-crack of the sky,
re-releasing sunlight;
it cuts softly and smoothly,
crashing through seas of water and air
as a ship cutting waves, as
skin, bare on bare.
She awakens me, not lightly,
yet free from disdain-
never have I known
love greater than rain.

(day two hundred and nineteen)

Word of the Day: itinerant
Adj.- Traveling from place to place, especially to perform work or a duty.
Noun – One who travels from place to place.

This song has really stuck with me this weekend. Graduation by Gemini. Enjoy.

I’ve been learning about hair product and styling over the course of this last week. I figure that if I’m going to keep a mess of hair, it’s a matter of responsibility to learn how to properly care for and manage it. There are two additions to the wish-list today, both are hair product, both are needed, and both are cheap. Crazy, no?

Things have been slightly turbulent of late, and I’ve not been on top of my writing game. Well, truth be told, I’ve not been on top of any game.  That will change soon enough.

I’ve finally finished writing the 101/1001 list; now I can focus on getting things accomplished. Sixteen are finished. I’m a little behind the time-clock, I fear. Time to kick it into gear.

Also, plans for this week have yet to be cast in stone, but they shall be within the next 24 hours. If you have any want to be a part of my week, call or text me.

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A cityscape in the sky---

There is a breeze flitting about
In the trees, the backdrop of
The sky, a pale blue dance floor
For the summer-weary leaves;
The air is full of birds, bees and
A muted electricity.
“Can you see them?”
Dogwood and dandelion dust
Populate the undrawn heaven-streets,
Merging with buttermilk butterflies
And drawing their potential in the sky.

(day two hundred and fourteen)

Word of the Day: opine
-to state as an opinion.

P.O.S. is one of the best rappers out there, bar none. This is just one of the brilliant tracks the man has dropped.

Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since my computer died, leaving me under a rock in the desert without internet. It’s insane, really, how dependent modern life is upon broadband connections- at the point that the/a separation is painful, we ought to be worried. We really ought.

Thanks to someone very close, that divide has disappeared back into the night. I’ve a computer again, and it’s a beautiful thing. Speaking of which, I had multiple conversations over the last two weeks in which I alluded to Edmund Burke’s The Beauty and the Sublime; it’s worth a read.

Getting pumped with Muscle Rollers, courtesy of Feed Me and Kill the Noise.

I haven’t been seeing the best friends lately, which has been seriously getting to me. I’m slowly catching up with them, one at a time, but it’s a never-ending cycle; as soon as I catch up with one, I’ve not seen the other five in forever- and then there are those that I never catch up with.  It’s trying. I think we all fear abandonment on some level or another. While it does absolutely nothing to alleviate the fear, this had an applicable point. It actually enhances the fear, I think, but I am whole-heartedly anti-ignorance.

Instead of wish-listing today, I’d like to thank a handful of people for the early birthday presents; new kicks, a new outfit, a new jacket… je les adore. I am fairly certain that there are studies proving [or that the funding for such a study would be easy to find] that the clothes that a person wears directly affect their self-image, their confidence, and their over-all persona. Jim Carrey proved it in The Mask. Put something on, and it changes everything about you. To finally have clothes, if only a single outfit, that a) fit perfectly, b)are fashionable, and c)are brand-new; I cannot express the depth of my gratitude. All of my work has begun to pay off; thank you for being a part of it.

Speaking of birthday-ness... I have a party that needs to be planned. Like, from square one. I’ve been without a computer, and my co-conspirators have effectively disappeared. I need help pulling this together- a week and a half ‘til doomsday, and nothing has been done, and nothing has been arranged. Cue stress.

Add consistent communication breakdowns.

Count the time that it takes for me to misplace my mind.

Not long now. Not long.

Viens avec moi?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

-finding the time-

“If time is the fabric of the universe,
then I’m going to need a larger pair of fabric shears.”

(day two hundred)

Word of the Day: kismet

Today wasn’t going to simply stand upon a song- we are making the leap to music videos. The reason behind this move? Well, the video itself, of course. It’s an extended version, and I don’t recall the last time I watched a music video that was this emotionally charged. Add to that a slew of fantastic actors, and here we are.

I’ve been looking over Vans, this morning. Not four-wheeled rape-kits, mind you- the shoes. Hit the wishlist to check out a killer pair of kicks.

Facebook is crushing my productivity. My A/C doesn’t work. I need a bigger bike, but not as much as I need good news. And I need to figure out why in the hell I’m so high-strung. [scratch that, smoke break and I figured it out. I need to fix it.] Deeper breaths and less stress, STAT.

Why do my days never go as planned? Perhaps I should stop trying to micromanage myself- I’m catching stress on both ends because of it. Someone else needs to micromanage me. That’ll fix it, I’m sure. These lists are killing me. And stress is a direct form of anti-weight-loss, which propagates further stress. What a winning cycle, no?

I spent yesterday stressing, and playing guitar. That’s about all I got accomplished. Oops.

A few major things coming up that require planning. September 2nd and 3rd, reserve your evenings, because a two-day celebration is in the works. Also, if you are a musician, please get in touch with me- there is a project that I’d love to put together over the next two weeks; it’ll be a blast, I promise.

I’m off to have coffee with a good friend, and then I’ll hopefully get to talk to/see the best friends throughout the course of the day.

Viens avec moi?

Monday, August 8, 2011

the most difficult

There are some days when
the well of words
and the spring of the soul
have both run dry;
those are the most difficult days.

(day one hundred and ninety-nine)

Word of the Day: risible
-a. capable of or disposed to laughter
-b. arousing or provoking laughter
-c. associated with laughter

This morning is a song that is quite reminiscent of older Regina Spektor and early Lily Allen. Quite delightful, really.

In a serious funk.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Morning Passing

You pass me, lightly,
and I must be content to only see-
I dare not attempt to speak,
for at this moment I cannot breathe.
I watch you walk away,
knowing that we never knew,
and yet I find myself content
because I knew you for a breathe upon a single day.

(day one hundred and ninety-eight)

Word of the Day: wistful
-full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy.
Also: inspiring such yearning.

Today we venture into a softer side of my favourite electronic genre. Extra points for those of you who can place the original song just by listening to it. Slower, softer: better for maintaining focus during a project, I think.

I got a pamphlet advertisement from Express last week, and it’s been sitting on my table for its entire stay. Every time I glance at it, I admire a particular item of clothing featured on the front. Well, I guess it wasn’t the original front. I put it on the front. I can describe it in three words: James Dean fantastic. Check out the wish-list if you care to see it. I think we may be in love with each other; we keep staring at each other from across the table.

My thoughts on the day? I need running shoes. Also hair product. Also some more wine. No, that was not the sound of me pouring a second glass this early in the morning. It’s my first, damn it. I’m listening to some indie folk, mostly acoustic stuff- perfect August music. I started a new script last night, for no reason. I just ‘felt like writing,’ sat down and thirty minutes later: the beginnings of a currently directionless script. That’s a nice change of pace. I also learned this morning that eating shitty food has a definite result- every part of me hurt in horrendous ways this morning. New rule: quality fuel is necessity. No more of this ‘economy’ crap.

My minor list is becoming rather large, and I feel as though I’m mismanaging my time. That might be because I have been, over the last few days. I’m back on track today though. I’m skipping all of my little assignments this morning because I’m on set as an extra today. And I’m leaving in less than ten minutes. Soooo…..


Saturday, August 6, 2011

|prelude to an awkward sunday|

The sun shines,
The grass grows,
The rain falls,
And time flows;
All without prompting,
All without guide,
All without needing
Exterior drive.
Let us look then to them,
Let us individually strive
To allow ourselves the motion and movement
That within us, resides.

(day one hundred and ninety-seven)

There is never a need for a break when you love what you do. Tired and worn out don’t factor in.

Word of the Day: variegated
-Various, varied, diverse.

Today, we’re listening to dubstep. Again. It doesn’t get old. Ever. On tap this afternoon: Vaski’s brilliant remix of a song that had little, if any, weight as an original. With some great synth work and enough layering to keep you looking over your shoulder every five seconds, this track plays hard.

I’ve been looking at tuxedos, lately. I don’t exactly have a specific reason, but I also don’t exactly feel as though I need one. I just found one online today that looks fantastic. Jean Yves, 2-button Parisian notch. It’s the epitome of male sex-appeal. That’s my wish list item for the day.

Speaking of tuxedos: the day I get married, I had best not be on facebook. I mean, is it really so important to maintain your ‘social networking’ prowess on the first day of the rest of your life? It may be a warning light if you are posting status updates at that point- if your sole thought is not for the person you are marrying, I’m sorry to break it to you, but you probably shouldn’t be marrying them.

I’ve been in a weird place the last few days. I’m ready to shrug it off and move on, but it’s kind of sticking. I’m thinking a glass of Rhine and a smoke ought to clear it up, at least for the afternoon. I’m running off-skew today. Missed yesterday entirely. I’m just a mess, aren’t I? Tomorrow I’ll catch it all in stride again.

I’ve got a lot in the holding pen, but it remains to be seen what will be bursting through the gate first.

Viens avec moi?